Maison des contes et légendes: La vie amoureuse de Césarine [English]

Le vagin vagabond or the love life of Césarine told at the Maison des Contes et légendes in Dorénaz this Saturday, May 11 at 8:00 pm.

On Saturday May 11, the Maison des Contes et légendes invites you to join us at 8:00 pm to listen to “Le vagin vagabond ou la vie amoureuse de Césarine.”

Presented by storyteller Isabelle Monnet and a musician from the association “Rendez-Vous Contes…”

A story built on the memory of some of her grandmothers whom life has not spared. These remarkable women have been grouped into one, the heroine “Césarine”.

She is a young girl in search of freedom, whose love affairs are full of humor, tenderness and difficulties. She discovers the pleasures of the flesh and men, and struggles for a long time before being free to love and find true love.

Ages 14 and up: tales for discerning ears

Chapeau à la sortie

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