Hôtel Vatel**** Sup.

Ideally situated behind the railway station, the Vatel Hotel has 7 rooms able to receive seminars of between 10 and 300 people.

Benefitting from a convivial atmosphere, large conference rooms, functional bedrooms, treatment equipment, a relaxing setting and excellent cuisine, this establishment will certainly be able to satisfy your expectations.

  • Type of rooms

    Single roomsDouble roomsTwins roomsTriple roomsSuitesTotal roomsTotal beds

  • Meeting rooms capacity

    Meeting rooms appellationCocktailCinemaSchoolU-FormBanquetArea in m2
    Modigliani ?
    Cézanne 009 / 010 ?1004828115
    Cézanne 009 + 01018090234
    Schiele ?330192280396
    Chavaz + Lautrec400300396
    Gauguin ?1031.5

  • Meeting rooms facilitY

    Meeting rooms appellationMaterial
    ModiglianiBeamer, micros, high quality projectors, whiteboard, scoreboard, flipchart, Wifi, daylight
    Cézanne 009 / 010Beamer, micros, high quality projectors, whiteboard, scoreboard, flipchart, Wifi, display wall, daylight
    SchieleBeamer with double projectors, micros, whiteboard, scoreboard, flipchart, Wifi, 2 translation cabins
    ChavazBeamer, micros, high quality projectors, whiteboard, scoreboard, flipchart, Wifi
    LautrecBeamer, micros, high quality projectors, whiteboard, scoreboard, flipchart, Wifi, daylight
    GauguinBeamer, high quality projectors, whiteboard, scoreboard, flipchart, Wifi, private toilets, cafeteria, daylight
  • Contact

    Tel. : +41 27 720 13 13
    Fax : +41 27 720 13 14
    Email : reservation@hotelvatel.ch

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