Fondation du Patois: Patois en vadrouille [English]

On May 11, 2024, the Fondation du Patois invites you to tour the Valais plain in a vintage bus, entertained by various patois groups.

On May 11, 2024, the Fondation du Patois is delighted to invite you to explore the Valais plain and discover the richness of our linguistic heritage.

Raising the profile of Patois is a vital mission for the preservation of this language. In order to raise awareness among the Valais population, the Foundation has decided to organize a day to showcase patois-speaking groups. You’ll have the pleasure of attending skits, story readings, songs and musical interludes at the various stops along the way:

09H00: Sierre

10:45 am: Sion

13H30: Saillon

15:15: Martigny

A vintage bus will be chartered for the day, with politicians, cultural figures and patois singers on board. The duo Lè dô cômpagnôn have agreed to join the merry party and perform a few songs and other items.

For the entertainment, you can count on the presence of the following patois groups:

-i Brindèyeü (Leytron)

-Lè Partichiou (Chermignon)

-Li Brëjoyoeü (Fully)

-Lou Tré Nant (Troistorents),

-A Cobva (Conthey)

-Y Fayerou (Bagnes)

-O Bareillon (Chamoson)

-les patoisants de Saint-Nicolas (Orsières)

-Amicale des patoisants de Sierre et environs

-Costumes and patois of Savièse

-Lè Tsaudric (Hérémence)

-patoisants from Ayent, Val d’Anniviers and Évolène, and the Choeur valaisan des Patoisants

This special day for the patois community in the broadest sense of the term is intended to be a link between the different patois, highlighting the canton’s diversity and the richness of this language. The general public is invited to rub shoulders with this dialect, which is often overlooked by the general public.

If you’d like to take part in this adventure, feel free to join one or more of the stops and let yourself be surprised by what’s on offer.

For further information, please visit our website or follow us on social networks.

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