Médiathèque valais, Martigny: Vertiges fragiles – érosions superposées [English]

From February 7 to March 22, 2025, discover Pauline Wüthrich's photographic exhibition at the "Dans l'Objctif" space in Martigny's media library.

While anticipating their transformation and exploring the consequences of the gradual disappearance of permafrost and inescapable erosion on these stone giants, the landscapes of the Valais mountains are reinvented by repeated shots on the same silver film.

Each superimposition becomes an imaginary vision: altered, fragmented peaks, gradually slipping into abstraction, offering a critical and poetic look at a natural heritage on borrowed time.

Pauline Wüthrich captures both the power and vulnerability of emblematic landforms, while confronting us with an essential question: what will remain of the mountains when nature and time have taken their toll?

Opening hours:

Mon to Sat: 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Thursday: 10am to 6pm

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